Wednesday, December 26, 2007

First one!

Whoo, finally found out how this stuff works (sort of anyways)...
First of all, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear!
Let's see... About Hangout...
Both the Nest and Chains have finished their first season and you can admire their summaries who now also have character pictures and video footage added.
Nanna will soon provide us with scene drawings to add there aswell, so keep checking it.
Live Fast is going pretty well and will probably become a potential third sticky!
I've changed my youtube account a bit so there are now 3 playlists visable, one of them being all Stephen Lynch!
Take care ppl!

A little edit: I'm putting the blogs on hold for now untill I've found out wether I'll keep it up or not, because it doesn't really seems to be my thing after all. I'll still visit my page to answer the comments tho.


Anonymous said...

I'm so in love with hangout XD
and I think I've watched all your youtubes by now, all 50000 of em :w

Suzanne said...

I found you through 1Pic and had to leave a comment because I'm a Leo and my husband graduated from UC Berkeley and I attended and as you're probably aware, it's know as CAL!!! Small world!

Good luck with your blog. I'll look up your youtube stuff and hopefully enjoy. If not, I come back and let you know!

XO Suzanne from CA

Suzanne said...

Where the Wild Roses Grow...interesting. Rather depressing, but beautiful. The rest, nope, not for me. We're decades apart and I find all the "drunk" stuff rather boring to be quite frank. Have a good life and please be careful. I hope you find time to allow all the good stuff to flow in. I guess I should have checked before I wrote my initial comment, but didn't. Bad me. I'm not insulting you sweetie, you have every right to think exactly as you do, but I have no place in your life or in your blog. It almost feels as if I imposed. Have a beautiful life.

XO Suzanne from CA

Cal said...


I'm sorry you feel that way. Frankly I've added a lot of videos because people link them to me, and I don't have time to watch them at that moment. But yeah I find some of the 'drunk movies' funny, but that could be because of my weird sence of humour. Mostly I just find it hilarious when I hear other people laugh, like the camerman usually does in the videos. I'm pretty sure there are also more videos like the 'wild roses' one.

Thank you for your visit tho.

Suzanne said...

Hey Cal,

I woke up last night and thought of you because I couldn't remember quite what I'd written and was afraid I might have offended you and then realized, I could have simply deleted my initial comment and never written the second one! For some reason I always forget about that delete trash can! My intent this morning was to get up and delete both comments hopefully before you saw them, but life here is rather crazy with all the animals,etc., so I didn't even turn the computer on until around 9am. When I saw new comments on my blog I read through them, and of course one was from you. I thought it was so kind. (Thanks for wishing my mom Happy Birthday.) I immediately high~tailed it to your blog because you indicated you wrote something for me. What you wrote was so generous considering my flip-off. I reread my comments to you, realized they weren't as awful as I'd remembers, but still felt your comment was more than generous.

I've realized we can be friends. You can visit my blog when ever you like and leave a comment and I'll stop by yours just to say hi as well. I won't look beyond the first page however, but I will visit!!!

And honey, just so you know, I don't think I can stand more videos like the Wild Rose!!! As lovely as it is visually and artistically , the subject, MURDER, isn't really my cup of tea! My hubby's in criminal appeallate law and I see enough murder, rape, robbery and molestation pass through our home than is necessary.

Take care of yourself my dear.
Talk to you soon.
XO Suzanne
P.S. Please forgive all my spelling errors in the first comment...obviously I was very tired and not paying attention.

Cal said...

Hey Suzanne...
Well I'd like to start by saying blogs have never been my thing and even now I don't really use it. I had considered just deleting it even, but now I'm fascinated about your posts somehow. So I'll probably keep it just to communicate with you (unless you use chatbots like MSN perhaps?)

Don't worry about your first comment I was not really offended, more startled. Perhaps we are rathe different, but that is not always a bad thing. I'm rather young but trust me, I've had my share of reality and pain. I just tend to hide my real emotions behind a laugh and a smile.

As the roses video is concerned, I often just add things to my favorites that I haven't even watched yet, to watch it later when I have more time (not sure I've already told you this) so it can be filled with silly things, the favorites that is.

You'll notice three playlists on that same account. The first is Stephen Lynch, a comedian. I find him extremely funny but he does have some... let's call it delicate, subjects sometimes. The second and third list are from two tv shows I watch so not much logic behind that except for being a fan of the shows.

I'm glad you posted that last comment, it tells much about you as a person, how you think about your actions. We definatly can be friends.


Cal said...

Oh and I forgot in the previous post, but how do you like this video?

Suzanne said...

Honey, don't put the blog on hold. Enjoy and embrace it. When I first started I deleted so many posts! I'd write them, then wake up the next day and delete them! It's funny now. I was so unsure of everything and it didn't seem okay. Writing about oneself often seems self absorbed and superficial, but then magic starts to happen: people pay attention, comment, become part of your life and there is a transformation. You don't always hear what you want, but despite that, you hear something that matters. We live in such a small world and are connected on some level. You and I are so different, yet here we are, communicating. Who would have guessed!!!???

From what I've gathered from your other links you're very Goth and look at life differently than I do. But that's okay. I have my kittie "Shadow" (aka OH NO!!!) because a very Goth 15 year old named Envy was kind enough to rescue his mom, helped while she gave birth to 5 kittens and then find good homes for each an every one. I think the lesson is simple sweetie. You do the best you can no matter who you are or what you believe. And I mean that with all my heart.

I love how you write and hope you continue. You're a very thoughtful guy. The images are a bit difficult to digest, so I'll stay away. I have my own image of you, so will pretend!!! Perhaps that's how we should all go through complete denial!!! :)

Love you too sweetie,

Suzanne said...

About your current "layout." You didn't have "other," so I'll say it here.

It's impossible to have a nice, warm and cosy template, but have blood dripping from the top. Do you know what I mean? Red and brown don't always mix. I'd either get rid of the dripping blood, or the template.

XO Suzanne from CA

Suzanne said...



Suzanne said...

God, never even saw your question about the video. Obviously, it's beautiful and a classic. Hope you find someone that special. Love truly is wonderful.

XO Suzanne

Cal said...

I will keep the blog on hold for a little bit longer I'm afraid.
First of all I have a lot of stuff to deal with in my life right now and I have no idea where to start.
And secondly I made a new website so that might take some time to.
